There’s a thin line between liking and disliking someone, and often, people aren’t transparent about their feelings.

People who can’t stand you seldom come right out and say it. Instead, they subtly express their distaste through certain behaviors.

These behaviors are often overlooked, but if you pay close attention, you can spot them. And trust me, being aware of these signs can save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

Here are some telltale behaviors that reveal if someone secretly can’t stand you.

1) They avoid eye contact

Eye contact is a powerful form of communication. It can express a range of feelings from interest to disdain.

When someone likes you, they’ll often maintain eye contact during conversations to show their interest and engagement. But when someone can’t stand you, the opposite is true.

You might notice they seem to be constantly looking elsewhere during your interactions, or their gaze seems to slide away whenever you meet their eyes. It’s as if they’re trying to distance themselves from you, even while they’re physically present.

This avoidance doesn’t necessarily mean they’re consciously trying to insult you. More likely, it’s a subconscious reaction revealing their true feelings.

2) They give short, non-committal answers

I remember having a colleague once. We shared a workspace, and I always felt like he was friendly with everyone else but gave me the cold shoulder.

When I’d start a conversation, he would give me brief, non-committal answers. For instance, if I asked how his weekend was, he’d just reply, “It was good,” and immediately go back to what he was doing. When others asked the same question, however, he would engage in lengthy conversations about his weekend activities.

At first, I thought he was just having a bad day. But when it became a pattern, I realized that these short responses were a subtle sign of his disinterest in conversing with me.

If someone consistently gives you minimal replies and avoids engaging further, it could be an indication that they secretly can’t stand you. But keep in mind that everyone has off days and this alone doesn’t conclusively show dislike – it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

3) They rarely initiate conversation

When someone enjoys your company, they’ll often reach out to you, eager to start a conversation. But if someone secretly can’t stand you, they’ll likely wait for you to make the first move.

It’s a silent signal suggesting they’re not too keen on spending time interacting with you. They might respond when you initiate, but they won’t go out of their way to start a dialogue.

People are more likely to initiate conversations with those they have positive feelings towards. Hence, if you’re always the one starting the conversation, it might be a subtle hint about how they truly feel about you.

However, it’s essential to remember that some people are naturally reserved or introverted and may not often initiate conversations, so always consider other signs before drawing conclusions.

4) Their body language is closed off

Body language can reveal a lot about a person’s feelings towards you, often more than words.

When someone is comfortable and relaxed around you, their body language is usually open and inviting. They may lean in during conversation, maintain relaxed postures, and use expansive gestures.

But if someone secretly can’t stand you, their body language will likely be closed off. They might cross their arms or legs, avoid facing you directly, or keep a physical distance from you.

It’s like they’re building an invisible barrier between the two of you, indicating their discomfort or dislike.

Body language can be quite complex and varied between individuals, so it’s crucial to consider the overall context and other behaviors before making any assumptions.

5) They hardly ever smile at you

Smiles are universal signs of friendliness, warmth, and acceptance. They often indicate that someone enjoys your company.

However, if someone rarely smiles at you, it could be a subtle sign that they secretly can’t stand you. You might notice a stark difference when they interact with others; their face lights up with genuine smiles, but when they turn to you, the smiles disappear.

Keep in mind that not everyone is outwardly expressive, and some people naturally smile less. So, observe their overall demeanor and how they act around others before jumping to conclusions.

These signs are just indicators and not concrete evidence of someone’s feelings towards you. Always consider the broader context and patterns of behavior.

6) They seem disinterested in your life

When someone cares about you, they naturally show interest in your life. They want to know about your day, your interests, and your experiences.

But if someone secretly can’t stand you, they might seem remarkably disinterested in your life. They might not ask about your day or show interest in your stories. Even when you share something significant, they may respond with indifference or change the subject.

This lack of interest can be hurtful, especially if it’s coming from someone you care about. But remember, it’s essential not to take it personally. You’re worthy and deserving of attention and interest, regardless of how someone else behaves towards you.

Stay true to yourself and surround yourself with people who genuinely appreciate you for who you are.

7) They seldom include you in group activities

In my early years at college, there was a group I hung out with. I thought we were pretty close until I noticed I was often the last to know about group outings or sometimes not invited at all.

I’d see photos on social media of them having fun, and it stung. It was a clear sign that they didn’t value my presence as much as I valued theirs.

So, if you notice that someone consistently leaves you out of group activities or makes plans without including you, it could be a subtle sign that they secretly can’t stand you.

Again, don’t let this define your worth. There are plenty of people out there who will value and cherish your company. You just need to find them.

8) They constantly criticize you

Constructive criticism is a part of life. It helps us grow and improve. But there’s a difference between constructive criticism and constant nitpicking.

If someone is always highlighting your mistakes, pointing out your flaws, or making negative comments about your choices, it could be a sign that they secretly can’t stand you. It’s like they’re always looking for something to complain about or find fault with.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t let someone’s constant criticism undermine your self-confidence or self-worth. Learn to differentiate between helpful feedback and unnecessary negativity.

9) They are dismissive of your feelings

The most telling sign that someone secretly can’t stand you is if they consistently dismiss your feelings. If you express your concerns or emotions and they brush them off, belittle them, or make you feel like you’re overreacting, it’s a strong indicator of their disregard towards you.

Everyone deserves respect and empathy. Your feelings are valid and should be acknowledged, not dismissed. Never let anyone make you feel otherwise.


The post If someone secretly can’t stand you, they’ll usually display these subtle 9 behaviors appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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